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nasib baik bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "nasib baik"
  • nasib:    destiny; fate; fortune; kismet; lot; luck;
  • baik:    all right; at the best; be not well; decency;
  • lahir dengan nasib yang baik:    had a good start in life; have a good start in life; having a good start in life
  • nasib:    destiny; fate; fortune; kismet; lot; luck; fateful; capital of rhode island; circumstances; hazard; good luck; luckiness; fatal; happy chance; chance; providence; portion; doom; foredoom; break; goo
  • biskut nasib:    fortune cookie
  • gerbang nasib:    postern of fate
  • membawa nasib:    chance it; chanced it; chancing it
  • mengadu nasib:    flipped up; flipping up; try fortune
  • meramal nasib:    tell fortune
  • meramalkan nasib:    read fortune
  • nasib buruk:    bad luck; mischance; misfortune; ill luck; tough luck; adversity; hard knocks; hardship; hard cheese
  • nasib malang:    bad luck; hard luck; misfortune; jinx; unfortunate; adversity; hardship; mishap; end of the world; blow; reversal; reverse; day of reckoning; doomsday; ill luck; misadventure; setback; hard knocks;
  • nasib/takdir:    fate
  • penilikan nasib:    fortune-telling
  • permainan nasib:    sport of fortune
  • And be the odds be ever in your favor.
    Dan semoga nasib baik selalu berpihak padamu.
  • And may the odds be ever in your favor.
    Dan semoga nasib baik selalu berpihak padamu.
  • With luck, our days of striking camp are numbered.
    Nasib baik, hari serangan kita semakin dekat.
  • Now it's only going to be good luck, dear.
    Sekarang hanya akan ada nasib baik, Sayang.
  • Just basking in the glory of our good fortune.
    Hanya berjemur di kebanggaan nasib baik kita.
  • My good or bad luck rests with my sword.
    Nasib baik atau nasib burukku ditentukan oleh pedangku.
  • Thank God I'm not in a wheelchair.
    Terima kasih tuhan nasib baik aku tak gunakan kerusi roda.
  • Have you been having good luck lately?
    Apakah Kamu pernah mengalami nasib baik akhir-akhir ini?
  • Some of the guys think they're good luck.
    Beberapa orang pikir ini untuk nasib baik.
  • God gifted every individual with a fate.
    Tuhan memberi tiap manusia nasib baik dan buruk.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5